WSAN-ADSR began as a research project in 1993-94, by John C. Stubbs, Angeline Hough, and Sharrieff Muhammad, to uplift and empower ADÓS-heritage "Blacks" from the sociopolitical exploitation and abuse by the pro-White Privilege, US government. Stubbs, Hough, and Muhammad became the High Founders of WSAN-ADSR. Over the years between 1993 to 2018, six more individuals greatly contributed in the foundations of launching the 1st ADÓS-heritage tribal nation which later became WSAN, and consitute 'The 9 Founders' of WSAN-ADSR: John Stubbs (Architect/R&D-Coordinator), Angeline Hough (Architect-Spiritual Constitution), Sharrieff Muhammad (Architect-Security Foundations), Bryan Hill (Self-Defense), Emma Stubbs (RIP, Moral Values); Wanda Little (Diplomatic Relations), Ar'caiza Dubose (Moral Support), Elizabeth Mays (RIP, Uncompromising Dignity), Deaudra Edgerson ("Afra'na" Issues & Proper Elevation.)
In 2003, the WSAN was formed. In 2018-19, the international branch coterie, ADSR, was added to WSAN as WSAN-ADSR. One Spring Equinox 2020, WSAN-ADSR declared its official independence, and on August 28, 2020 WSAN-ADSR filed its Independence, and prototype flags, directly with the Secretary General of the United Nation and claiming 1st Rights on the following unprecedented:
1. Continetal-range* tribal nation;
2. Continental-range* tribal nation-state;
3. 4th nation-state* in continental N.America,
4. Nation-state representative for any/all ADÓS-heritage/"NO/NON-Nationality people in the UN.
WSAN-ADSR declined to seek member status in the UN, choosing to place its marker as a tribal nation-state, and 1st Claims, and petition the UN for a seat at a later date after R&D of the AHRRP, See "AHHRP", at ADSR Section.
[ * Making WSAN-ADSR the 1st, legal, Transnational nation-state. Transnational nation-state and government are the intellectual property of WSAN-ADSR and SBI,LLC R&D. ]
The WSAN flag is compromised of 3 color schemes surrounding a golden encircled Afra'anhk. The 3 colors pay homage to Marcus Garvey, Jr's design of the Pan-Afrikan Flag of the 'United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA.) The specific meaning of the colors regarding the WSAN flag are:
* RED: The blood of the Anu, the origin of human DNa on the planet in C.Afrika, of which we Afra'ni and Wa'Ya-Simba are the descendent of as the people of the 13th Royal House of Anu. Red unites us as the royal nationality Afra'ni, the Afra'ni-Anu (i.e. Afra'ni Nation) to the Anu bloodlines in sub-Sahara Afrika.
* BLACK: 1.) 1st & foremost is in the most supreme homage to the Supreme Creator-GOD, source & sustainer of all realities and all creation, which existed in the blackest of darkness before all things known and unknown, past, present & future, and shall exist forever; 2.) Black reminds Afra'ni of our divine human ability to process solar rays thru our skin and convert them by the bio-mechanics of melanin to the darkest of complexions as a physical, visual, connection to the Supreme God; 3.) Our blood that unified our Amerindi-Anu and Afrikan-Anu bloodlines under chattel slavery to create the condition which brought about the phoenix-people Afra'ni and the royal Anu reborn thru the Afra'ni people; 4.) As a sun tribal people, Afra'ni view our ability to process solar rays as a gift to, and from, the Supreme God, and a reminding identifier of us being direct descendents of the sacred Anu bloodline.
* GREEN: Is for our land of N.America, i.e. "Great Turtle Island",, not occupied by our respective cousin Amerindi (Native American) nations, and to the Great Mother Afrika and Great Mother Earth.